Background of the Survey
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major role in Malaysia economy. This survey aims at identifying the current SMEs challenges in Malaysia. The government is actively fostering SMEs in access to finance through provision of credit guarantees and also increasingly paying attention to financing SMEs by introducing new programmes and encouraging venture capital etc. Indeed, by looking at the results of this survey, it shows clearer picture of despite having various government assistances and programmes targeting for SMEs, SMEs continue to face challenges particularly in financing, of which is key ingredient to the development of their business! Other than financial constraints, there are other government policies and other matters that highlighted SMEs challenges from many dimensions, i.e. GST issues, Human Resource Development and Employment Insurance System (EIS). This survey aims to highlights these challenges faced by SMEs, and whether these issues affecting the cost of doing business, or as a heavy regulatory burden of SMEs. Henceforth, ACCCIM would like to understand these challenges for onward submission and deliberation with the relevant Government Ministries and Agencies so as to seek measures to resolves the issues.
Objectives of the Survey
1. To understand the sources of financing and challenges faced by Malaysian SMEs, issues of human resource development and their stand on Employment Insurance System (EIS).
2. The survey results will provide the basis for ACCCIM in the submission of memoranda and related dialogue sessions with the Government and its related agencies. It will also be used as a reference for future events and action plans to be formulated by ACCCIM.
Respondents Background
1. The survey was conducted during the period of 28th April 2017 to 30th June 2017. A total of 1,100 survey questionnaires were distributed and can also be downloaded online. A total of 808 copies were received in return.
2. The survey was conducted mainly through ACCCIM’s 17 constituent chambers located throughout Malaysia, as well as participated by KOJADI, other national level chambers of commerce, trade and sectorial organisations. The survey findings reflect the collective views of industries and businesses irrespective of ethnic group.