Significance of the survey
Profile of respondents
Major survey questions and findings
The major survey questions are as follows :
1) Was the Malaysian economy deteriorating, remaining unchanged or growing in the 1st half of 2014 ?
• Slight Improvement in Sales Performance
• Unchanged Production Volumes
• Slight increase in Inventory levels
• No major change in Pattern of Collections from Customers
• Slight Drop in New Orders from Overseas Markets
• New Local Orders Largely Unchanged
• More businesses were able to increase or maintain their Local Sales Prices
• Employment Market Relatively Unchanged
• Wage Costs Per Unit of Output Relatively Unchanged
• Rise in Capacity Utilization
• More Respondents Choosing to Maintain Investments in New Resources or Plant
The Malaysian economy was seen to have experienced improvement in the 1st half of 2014
2) What were the major factors adversely affecting business performances in the 1st half of 2014 ?
i. Government policies
ii. Domestic competition
iii. Increase in operating cost and price of raw materials
iv. Manpower shortage
3) Is the Chinese business communities optimistic or pessimistic about the Malaysian economic outlook ?
Overall, the Chinese business community is generally less pessimistic about the economic outlook for Malaysia for 2014 but not so in 2015 and they are looking towards an improvement in 2016.
4) Current issues facing the Chinese businessmen in relation to trade, investment and industrial development in Malaysia.
(A) Increase In Cost
(B) Economic and Trade Cooperation Between Malaysia and China
(i) Economic and trade cooperation between Malaysia and China is affected by MH370 tragedy
A significant majority of respondents (77%) were of the opinion that the MH370 tragedy that ocurred in March 2014 would have a negative impact on the level of economic and trade cooperation between Malaysia and China. (ii) Economic and trade cooperation between Malaysia and China
(iii) What do you think the government should do to attract more Chinese investors?
• Provide employment pass to solve labor shortage issue (41%)
• Allow Visa-free entry (34%)
• Allow more Zero-Tariff import from China (29%)
• Provide more cheap industry land (29%)
(C) ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015
(a) The coming deadline for the implementation of the integration of the economies of the ASEAN countries by 2015
More than half of the respondents surveyed replied that they were not aware of the coming deadline.
(b) Company’s preparations for the impending integration under AEC
More than half of the respondents are not aware of the coming deadline for the implementation of AEC. This has contributed to more than half of the respondents advising that they were not satisfied with their preparations for the said deadline.
(c) Impact of the impending integration under AEC