The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) welcomes the Ministry of Human Resources’ focus areas to shorten the time of hearing process in industrial court, to reduce the backlog cases and to improvise the Court’s facilities is a step in the right direction towards maintaining greater cooperation between workers and management.
ACCCIM President Tan Sri Low Kian Chuan said, the resolving of labour dispute speedily not only helps to create an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation, but also saves time and resources, thereby increase productivity in the nation.
“The cordial and harmonious industrial relations between employees and employers could ultimately result in better productivity and thus, leading towards the economic progress and prosperity of the country.”
Low added that, the extension of the Chairman’s tenure to 4 years from 2 years previously provides a reasonable period of time for the Chairman to perform its responsibilities and ensure the continuity. However, the appointment must be based on skill competencies and able to contribute effectively to conducive work environment, improved industrial climate and good relations between employers and employees.
“The reforms and improvements for the Industrial Court should review the necessity for other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms instead of solely relying on the Industrial Court, to help clearing the backlog of cases that caused delay in settlement of labour disputes. It is also proposed to set up a centre for alternative dispute settlement along the UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service in this country,” said Low.